WinCT Moisture
WinCT Moisture Software
The WinCT-Moisture is ideal software to use when measuring with either MX/MF Moisture Analyzers.
Those who work measuring the moisture content of the materials in their Lab or Factory need to know the optimum temperature to heat the samples to when measuring the moisture contents in as short a time as possible. Many try to measure the sample at several different temperatures to determine moisture content, which consumes much time and effort.
Those who work measuring the moisture content of the materials in their Lab or Factory need to know the optimum temperature to heat the samples to when measuring the moisture contents in as short a time as possible. Many try to measure the sample at several different temperatures to determine moisture content, which consumes much time and effort.
To answer this we designed the RS-Temp (OTS = Optimum Temperature Search Program) WinCT-Moisture software (Patent pending). The RS-Temp controls the MX/MF by command to heat the sample to between 100 ~ 200 degrees in 20 degrees steps for 5 minutes, then display the changing of moisture contents graph after 30 minutes, and heat and measure the moisture content then show the rating A, B, C, D, E and F in order of smaller number of the change (/min. (%)) so the rating of A or B may be the appropriate optimum temperature to heat the sample under test. The OTS RS-Temp requires only 30 minutes to test the sample with 6 different temperature settings saving you the need to spend time conducting trails to determine the correct heating temperature.
Additionally, WinCT-Moisture includes software called RS-Fig. The RS-Fig software shows the Time Line and Moisture (%) line graph. You can repeat the measurement then display it with a different colored line to visually see the change of the sample under test. If you want to see the change in detail then the scaling function allows this by entering required number to Max and Min. of Time Line and Moisture Line.
Should you need to send a report to customers, or keep the record in your company, WinCT-Moisture has the function to send the measured data to a PC as a “ csv “ file to store or send and as an E-mail attachment.
- RsFig
Data received from Moisture analyzer MX/MF via RS-232C can be displayed as a graph in real time. Changes in the moisture content rate can be checked and this program is effective for determining the measurement conditions. (RsFig: Software for displaying graphs of moisture content) - RsTemp
Moisture Analyzer MX/MF's heating temperature is automatically changed via RS-232C to more suitable temperature setting for the sample's moisture content dete mination in about 30 minutes. (RsTemp: Optimum Temperature Search Program)